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Textscape2 Microformat Markup Editor

Textscape2 is an experimental editor that aims to encourage the use of 'microformats':

  1. Design your own tags write a tags file listing what tags are allowed (e.g. 'heading' 'maintext')
  2. Write your document Type your document using textscape to insert tags (F1 for the tags menu)
  3. Design your stylesheet processor write a .xslt file that transforms your output into the final document

See below, under the downloads section for some example formats


textscape Default editor (no tags, no stylesheet - write your own)
textscape_travelog Travelog editor, generate an website diarising your travels. A few simple tags like 'picture' 'link', customize the xslt to change the look. Defaults were used to generate this site
textscape_calc Calculations editor, use this for spreadsheet-like tasks. Has HTML tags plus javascript 'script' tags for calculations. For example, try entering: F1+variable a=1+2*3 then press apple-Y

You may need Java. If things aren't working out, try the latest version: get Java


  • 7-Mar-07First Release: uses textscape save format