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Webstart (recommended)

You may need Java. If things aren't working out, try the latest version.

Textscape markup editor

Textscape provides a general purpose interface for editing and marking up text. Different formats are supported using plugins which provide features for reading and exporting.

Currently there are plugins available for:

Some features:

save/restore collections of windows
Discontiguous selections
select multiple sections at once, generate selections from the result of searches using regular expressions
Multiple modal dialogs
(modal dialogs in one frame don't block other frames)
Size-limited undo/redo buffer

Installing Plugins Manually

If you have a straightforward connection to the internet textscape should handle installation of plugins automatically. If it doesn't work you can download plugins manually:

  1. make a directory ${user.home}/.textscape/plugins/${pluginname}
  2. visit http://www.hcsoftware.co.uk/textscape_ws/plugins/${pluginname}/ in a browser
  3. save all the files and dierctories there to the directory you made in step 1