CommanderBond F2 commands

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CommanderBond Help

F2 Commands

The F2 key is reserved for 'user' commands -- you create your own commands to invoke on files selected in CommanderBond.

For example, looking at my current set of F2 commands on this (Windows) computer I can:

Here is a shot of the commands window which comes up if I press F2:

command window

To set up a user command, bring up the 'Configure User Commands' screen (Commands->Configure..). The screen should look something like this:

config user commands

The basic steps for setting up a user command are:

  1. Work out what 'commandline' script launches the programme you want
  2. Replace any filenames in that script with %FILES% on Windows, $FILES on UNIX/Mac
  3. Enter the commandline in the 'configure commands' screen and save

Getting external programmes to launch correctly can sometimes require a bit of experimentation. It is recommended to enable 'Show output window' at first so you can see if anything is going wrong. Once things are working you can switch it off.

'Reload directory after' is for commands which modify the contents of the directory in which they are run (e.g. delete files, change timestamps).

Unfortunately spaces in filenames (and command names) often don't work very well, especially under windows. Consequently it is a good idea to use 'C:\Progra~1' instead of 'C:\Program Files'. There is also a right click 'replace spaces in filenames' command in CommanderBond, to quickly convert the names of files.

It is often a good idea to launch a command via a shell (e.g. cmd.exe on Windows, bash on UNIX/Mac) which can parse arguments and set environment variables.

Windows Examples: